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Accolade awarded to Merriwa community

Accolade awarded to Merriwa community

RAAFA’s Merriwa Estate has been bestowed the coveted 2024 Waterwise Platinum Business of the Year award by the Water Corporation.

The prestigious award was awarded to the popular retirement community thanks to residents and staff working together tirelessly to save water and make a long-term commitment to efficient water management.  

Over recent years, the retirement village and aged care site has reduced water use due to improved water consumption and fewer leaks, educated staff and residents to report water leaks quickly and retrofitted the estate’s units to save water and energy.

Karen Huyton, Merriwa’s Estate Manager, says the award was a testament to how everyone on the estate has worked together to save water.

“We’re proud to be named 2024 Waterwise Business Platinum Winner. It wasn’t the efforts of one or two people that won this award. Water savings take a team effort – one that includes staff, residents and contractors – to achieve our results.”  

Water savings at the estate have majorly benefited from unit refurbishments upgrading to water efficient tapware as an example, and tapping band replacements for better pipe connection throughout the village, two initiatives which have seen a drop in water usage.  In addition, two new bores have reduced the estate’s reliance on scheme water.

“Our water savings couldn’t be achieved without the dedication of both staff and residents,” adds Karen. 

“We encourage staff and residents to look for and report water leaks so they can be repaired as quickly as possible. Residents have been advised that they can use their 24/7 emergency panel to notify of any emergency grounds or maintenance issues such as a burst pipe“

“Over the past 12 months more residents have used this service outside business hours, which has been a great outcome. The team continues to work closely with plumbing and irrigation contractors who provide a valuable education role to staff“.   

Since being introduced in 2007, the Waterwise Business Program has saved a massive 148 billion litres of water - equivalent to 148 Optus Stadiums full of drinking water.

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